Get 4 Free Tickets to Six Flags

Sooo are you...

Planning on going to have some fun at Six Flags?

Why pay $50 per ticket? 

This website (which is currently affiliated with Six Flags) is currently doing a campaign to attract tourists to their amusement parks. I have recently done this (last week) and it works like magic. I received the 4 tickets in 3 days. My wife and 2 kids really enjoyed the park and so did I knowing it was all for free.
I will explain step by step how I did it.

How to obtain the tickets for free: 
1) Click here
2) On the 1st question, where they ask "Have you been to a 6 Flags theme park in the past year?", click "NO"
3) On the 2nd question, where they ask "How old are you?", put your real age. 
4) On the 3rd question, where they ask "How often do you use your Facebook per week?", click "3-4 times" or "daily"
5) They will ask for you e-mail. Put your real one (they send the ticket confirmations here). Don't worry I haven't received any spam so it is safe. 
6) They will ask you to publish it on Facebook and like their page. Do this.
7) Check your email and you should receive a confirmation with the link to the 4 tickets inside.
8) Enjoy your free Six Flags visit!

Oh and here they are:

Again, this is the website with the free tickets:

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